Speed: The Real Game-Changer in B2B Sales

We all know the buzz: ChatGPT, generative AI, and the future of B2B technology. Everywhere you look, people are hyping up these advancements, claiming they’re the next big thing. But let’s be real for a second: All that investment in AI hasn’t yet flipped the switch on productivity like everyone thought it would. Sure, the tools are out there, but real transformation? It’s still on the way.

Here’s a little history lesson: Steam engines took 150 years to replace horses in industry. Electricity? 70 years to phase out steam power. The telephone? It took another 70 years to become a standard in business. And the internet? 15 years to truly transform how we work. The point is, change can be slow, but the companies that lean in early come out on top.

Now, here’s the punchline: if you’re not moving fast, you’re already falling behind. Alethium is built to supercharge your sales workflow. We make it ridiculously easy to speed up how you do business. Don’t get left in the dust—here’s how we do it.

⚡ On-the-Fly Logistics

Speed is king, and with Alethium, your sales team can build and price out a full product basket with logistics options in real-time. Think about this: While your competitors are scrambling to figure out shipping costs after the fact, your team is delivering fully loaded quotes at the first point of contact. No waiting. No delays. Just answers. Right now.

💼 Instant Invoicing

The moment a deal’s agreed, Alethium sends the invoice. Immediately. The customer’s inbox will have it while they’re still on the phone with your salesperson. No back-office bottlenecks. No waiting for admin to process it. Every second you wait is a second your customer could change their mind. Speed is about closing right now, not hoping for it later.

🔄 Automatic Payment Reconciliation

Let’s cut the nonsense. When the payment hits, it’s reconciled automatically—no chasing payments, no wondering if it’s in the system. Sellers can start fulfillment instantly, buyers can track their order right away. This is how you eliminate lag time. Again, no waiting for some back-office to say, “Okay, we’re good.” You’re already moving.

🛃 EU VAT Compliance? Done.

If you’re selling in the EU, you know VAT compliance is a headache. But Alethium takes care of all that automatically. Invoices are always compliant, the right sales tax is applied, and the reporting requirements are fulfilled without anyone lifting a finger. Your finance team will thank you. You’ll free up time, energy, and mental bandwidth for actual business, not paperwork.

🛒 Self-Service: Convenience at Its Finest

Let’s talk about self-service. For sellers who want to turn this on (at zero cost), buyers can place their orders without needing a salesperson in the loop, and sellers can cut down their costs. For those smaller transactions that wouldn’t even be worth human interaction, this is a win-win. If you want to keep the shop open 24/7, this is how you do it. Keep it simple, keep it efficient.

Why Alethium?

Because speed matters. In a world where sales and marketing are not only expensive but also hard to hire for, you need every edge you can get. The faster and more effective your sales engine, the easier it is to attract top talent and make the most of them. You want to hire the best? Give them the tools that let them crush it. Everyone wins when your team can move faster, close quicker, and spend less time chasing the backend.

Talk to an expert today to find out how easy and low commitment it is to try Alethium on a few of your orders. Don’t take our word for it – try it yourself.


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Author: Chris McCormack

Date: August 2024